Rainbow Six Siege Twin Shells Operation Guide

Rainbow Six Siege Twin Shells Operation Guide

Rainbow Six Siege Twin Shells Operation Guide

Operation Twin Shells is a major update in Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege, introducing new operators and new gadgets which make a fresh change to the game. One of the significant additions is the introduction of a New Greek Defender Operator named Skopós. This new operator comes with her unique gadget Rainbow Six Siege V-10 Pantheon shells that come with two remotely operated robots named Taloos and Colossus. These robots help Skopós gather intel and provide offensive or defensive support across different areas of the map. But before you dive in, make sure you are fully prepared with enough cheap R6 credits to unlock her gear.

Meet Skopós – The New Operator

Rainbow Six Siege Skopós is an all-around defender, bringing a unique approach to battlefield control with her dual-gadget system, which makes her an ideal choice for players who value adaptability. She comes with balanced health and balanced speed which makes her excel in gathering intel and controlling the flow of the match. She is a versatile Operator, designed to provide both defensive support and real-time intel to her team. She brings a PCX-33 Assault rifle as her primary weapon and a P229 as her secondary weapon.

  • PCX-33– a new assault riffle with balanced stats, offering a solid choice for both close and mid-range engagements.
  • P229-a reliable pistol suitable for finishing off enemies which act as her secondary weapon.

When you are looking for a new start, buy Rainbow Six Siege account; it might be your best bet to quickly access Skopós.


Her unique gadget, Rainbow Six Siege V10- Pantheon Shells is the main highlight in this new update. Rainbow Six Siege V10- Pantheon Shells offer a unique blend of offense and defense. This gadget deploys two robots, Talos and Colossus, that serve both defensive and offensive roles.

Twin Shells (V10 Patheon Shells): Rainbow Six Siege Skopós controls two robotic operators. The active shell can move, shoot and use gadgets like any other operators. The inactive shell deploys a bulletproof shield and acts as an observation tool, which can gather intel and provide defensive utility.

Talos (Offensive/Defensive Shell): A remotely controlled robot that functions as an offensive or defensive unit. Talos is perfect for controlling key areas of the map to either assist with holding a choke point or gathering intel.

Colossus (Observation tool) : Another remote robot, but unlike Talos, Colossus is an observation tool. It can be used to provide intel to her team, much like a drone, but with more versatility and durability. Only one of the two robots can be controlled at a time, so strategic switching is the key.

Additionally, Operation twin shell also includes Siege Cup Beta, Enhanced Anti-Cheat and Anti-Toxicity and Versus AI 2.0. Siege Cup Beta is something that offers a new competitive tournament mode, currently in Beta for PC players, where teams can compete for exclusive rewards. It also provides more robus systems to control cheating and toxic behavior. The updated AI mode now allows players to defend against AI attacks, offering a comprehensive environment.